Chronic Venous Insufficiency Affects Approximately 10% of the Adult Population and Remains Largely Untreated

The net worldwide prevalence of the adult population with chronic venous disease represents nearly 200 million potential patients.

Venous Insuffiency Causes

Chronic Venous Insufficiency is a Result of Damaged Vein Valves

Healthy leg veins have valves that open and close to assist the return of blood to the heart. Sometimes, the valves become damaged or diseased and can no longer close properly. As a result, blood can reflux, or pool, in the lower leg veins, leading to chronic venous insufficiency.

Leg Varicose Veins

Signs and Symptoms of Venous Disease are Varied

Symptoms of CVI can vary and some patients have few to no visible signs. But the most common symptoms in the lower legs include:

  • Varicose veins or spider veins
  • Heaviness, aching, tightness, or fatigue
  • Discomfort, pain, or swelling
  • Restlessness or cramping
  • Numbness or itching
  • Skin color changes or poor-healing wounds